Parts Information
Serial Number History
- Serial Number History Use to find date of manufacture and other production information.
Below please find our service manuals.
Models 250, 340 and 430
- 250/340/430 Left Parts Manual
- 250/340/430 Right Parts Manual
- 250/340/430 Owners Manual
- Drive Belt Replacement
- Drive Timing
- 340-430 Truck Mount Parts
Model 500
Model 440 and 550
Models 560 and 680
- 560 / 680 Green and Red Parts Manual
- 560 / 680 Gray and Black Parts Manual
- 560 680 Owners Manual
- 680 Truck Parts
- 680 Truck Owners Manual
Digi-Star scales may have up to 3 wires attached to the bottom of the scale head. Earlier versions were called J-Star. The trouble-shooting guides below are courtesy Digi-Star. Although they may not reference your model scale, the concepts and trouble-shooting methods are the same.
Avery Weigh-Tronix
Weigh-Tronix scales typically have 5 or 6 wires attached to the bottom of the scale head. The trouble-shooting guides below are courtesy Weigh-Tronix. They may not reference your model scale but the concepts and trouble-shooting methods are the same.